View Through Rate Calculator

View Through Rate Calculator

Optimize video ad performance with our VTR Calculator. Measure View Through Rate accurately using our simple tool. Calculate VTR with ease using the VTR Formula.



VTR = ( Total Completed Views / Total Measured Impressions )*100

Total Completed Views
Total Measured Impressions


View Through Rate Calculator (VTR Calculator)

Optimize video ad performance with our VTR Calculator. Measure View Through Rate accurately using our simple tool. Calculate VTR with ease using the VTR Formula.

In the dynamic world of digital advertising, understanding the effectiveness of your video ads is crucial.The View Through Rate (VTR) Calculator, often referred to as the VTR Calculator, stands as a pivotal tool for advertisers aiming to decode the success of their video ad campaigns. 

What is View Through Rate Calculator?

View-through refers to the measurement of an advertisement’s impact based on whether a user has seen the ad, even if they did not click on it. View Through Rate is a key metric indicating the percentage of viewers who watched a video ad after being exposed to an impression. The View Through Rate Calculator is a specialized tool designed to measure the performance of video ads. This tool empowers advertisers with valuable insights into viewer engagement and campaign effectiveness.

VTR Formula

  • VTR = (Total Completed Views/Total Measured Impressions)*100

How is View Through Rate Calculated?

Understanding the View Through Rate (VTR) is essential for evaluating the performance of your video ads. The VTR Calculator simplifies this process, offering a straightforward formula to measure viewer engagement. 

The View Through Rate is calculated using the following formula:

VTR = (Total Completed Views/Total Measured Impressions)*100

Breaking Down the VTR Formula:

  • Number of Completed View - This represents the count of viewers who watched your video ad in its entirety.
  • Number of Impressions - The total number of times your video ad was displayed to viewers.
  • Calculation - Divide the Number of Completed Views by the Number of Impressions. Multiply the result by 100 to express the rate as a percentage.


Let's consider a video ad campaign with 50,000 impressions and 10,000 completed views.

VTR = (Total Completed Views/Total Measured Impressions)*100

VTR = (10000/50000)*100 = 20%

This means that 20% of viewers who were exposed to the ad went on to watch it in its entirety.

Advantages of View Through Rate Calculator

1. Performance Evaluation

The VTR Calculator enables advertisers to assess the success of their video ads by gauging viewer engagement. This insight is invaluable for refining content and strategies.

2. Optimized Budget Allocation

Understanding VTR helps advertisers allocate their budget efficiently. By identifying high-performing ads, they can prioritize investment in content that resonates well with the audience.

3. Campaign Optimization

Armed with VTR data, advertisers can optimize their video ad campaigns. This optimization process involves adjusting targeting parameters, refining content, and enhancing overall campaign performance.


By evaluating performance, optimizing budgets, and refining strategies based on VTR data, advertisers can achieve meaningful engagement and maximize the impact of their video ads. Whether you're a seasoned advertiser or just starting, incorporating the VTR Calculator into your toolkit can lead to more informed decisions, improved ROI, and ultimately, greater success in the world of video advertising.


How is VTR calculated?

VTR (View Through Rate) is calculated by dividing the number of completed views of a video ad by the total number of impressions and multiplying the result by 100. The formula, (Completed Views / Impressions) * 100, provides the percentage of viewers who watched the entire ad out of the total impressions, offering insights into ad engagement and effectiveness.

Is VTR the same as view rate?

Yes, VTR (View Through Rate) and view rate are synonymous terms in digital advertising. Both metrics represent the percentage of viewers who watched a video ad to completion out of the total impressions.

What is the difference between VTR and VCR?

VTR (View Through Rate) and VCR (View Completion Rate) measure video ad engagement differently. VTR calculates the percentage of viewers who watched an entire ad out of total impressions, while VCR specifically gauges the percentage of viewers who completed watching a video ad after initiating playback, providing a more focused completion metric.

What is a good VTR rate?

A good VTR (View-Through Rate) depends on several factors, and there's no one-size-fits-all answer. However, a general benchmark for a good VTR is 15%. This means that out of every 100 people who see your video ad, 15 watch it all the way through.

How to improve VTR?

To improve your VTR (View Through Rate), consider these strategies - -Compelling Thumbnails: Create visually appealing thumbnails to entice clicks. -Engaging Content: Develop high-quality, relevant content that captures and retains audience interest. -Clear CTA: Include a clear call-to-action to prompt viewer engagement. -Video Length: Keep videos concise, aligning with audience preferences. -Ad Placement: Consider strategic ad placement to maximize visibility. -Mobile Optimization: Ensure videos are optimized for mobile devices.